Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Survive the Global Satanic Conspiracy part 4

"The only real revolution is the enlightenment of the mind, and the unfoldment of Soul for spiritual growth, and the only real emancipation of the soul" -   Herbs -the magic herbs

Assemble together and provide positive thought energy for the planet and the human race.  When a group of enlightened and balanced people come together, the combined energy creates a power exponent 1/3 times the number of people.

We must get rid of artificially produced, volatile small particle fuels - the most dangerous substances on Earth! - PCB,  Dioxin (Agent Orange),e.t.c.

All artificial magnetic fields should by shielded from your body - electricity, cell phone towers.  Some diseases occur because of artificial magnetic fields.

Assume an aggressive spiritual nature!

There is rat poison in milk

Stop MONSANTO AND PHARMA, PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS!Get off of legal drugs, they kill 300,000 in the USA every year.(doctors kill 250,000!) ALSO SHUT DOWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AND THE PENTAGON!

STOP THE "FOOD SAFETY BILL" HR 2749, created by MONSANTO,which would give the FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including "prohibiting or resticting the movement of the food or any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within that geographic area,    

Read your food labels!!!  Much of the food today is genetically engineered!!!

read SEEDS OF DECEPTION: exposing industry and government lies about the safety of genetically engineered foods you are eating by Jeffrey M Smith      see    

Use herbs, drink herb tea, green tea, ginger, ginseng e.t.c.

 Fast, and Pray for positive thought energy.

 AFFIRM:   I walk in the light of truth and am one with the creative force of the universe (God).

This message comes to you in love.

Is Tiger Woods a Illuminati Mind Controlled Athlete?

There are many who believe that Tiger Woods is a manufactured product of the Pentagon MKULTRA mind control program.  The nazi's in Germany(who later came secretly into the U.S) perfected what they called "delta programing" that can dramatically enhance the mental game of an athlete through "trauma based programming." see  

Woods father was a green beret in a special forces unit in Vietnam.  He may have participated in "Operation Phoenix," a hunt and shoot to kill civilians operations during Vietnam working along side a South Vietnamese Army officer who has been accused of  assassinating 50,000 South Vietnamese employees who opposed the New World Order.

Tiger first played golf at age three on the Bob Hope TV show.  Bob Hope was a nororious MKULTRA programer and pedophile CIA sex slave handler. see "Thanks for the Memories", the story of a mind control sex slave, by Brice Taylor.  Homosexual rape is regarded by MKULTRA as torture to create multiple personalities, often on military bases.  Did Bob Hope help to program Tiger Woods?

Woods' car crash is a typical programed action of mind control slaves who are begining to remember.  According to Savali (mindcontrolfourms) and Brice Taylor, mind control slaves are programed to have an accident when they start to remember what was done to them. This usually occurs about the age 30 or so.  I refer the reader to the movie "A Long Kiss Goodnight" with Gina Davis and Samuel L Jackson. Davis played a house wife who has a car accident after which she starts to remember that she was a programmed assassin.  Now they want her dead.

Is Tiger Woods starting to remember? Do the nazi's who run the CIA want tiger Dead?  Is this why all of the media lies about his life unfolding?  They knew about Tiger's women a long time ago. My guess is that Tiger's programming is breaking down and cannot be repared, so now he becomes a liability, and like the Matt Damon flicks(Bourne Identity) they want him dead.

This is speculation, but I think Tiger's wife is not a real human.  Take a close up look at her photos. (google photos of tiger's wife) Check out those eyes!!!!!!!This is maybe why Tiger had other women, because the fake human just did not add up! If you don't believe that these people exist, google David Byrne.  This person has a song talking about being human and doing what humans do.  What human would sing a song like this?

The Meaning of Hotep

Hotep! and On The Move! 

Hotep is a Khemetic (Egyptian) term with no direct translation into the American English language.  It is most often used as a greeting or salutation.  It carries a spiritual connotation granting blessings of divine peace.


- source

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sabatage -Internet tampering

This writer is being sabatage on the internet.  Every time I want to down load a photo they(nsa) blank the screen.  When i want to view something they don't want me to see, they blank the screen.  I can't even store any thing on disk for very long, they will eventually erase everything I place on the disk.  What is it that they don't want me to know?  The word is mighter than the word.  The truth is the greatest enemy to the evil empire.  SUPPORT INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM!!!!!!

Chem Trails - Watch

Since December 13 2009 the Los Angeles area has been hit with massive Chem trails in the skies everyday. Now they have slowed down. since x mas no chem trails.  I will report on this site whenever there are chem trails in our skies.

Monday, December 21, 2009

How to Survive the Global Satanic Conspiracy - part 3

Garlic is the best natural anti-biotic there is.  Eat lots of it, everyday!  Also drink Green Tea.  It is good to keep your blood system clean.  Goldenseal is a miracle herb.  It helps with all sorts of illness especially anything associated with cold, and flu. 

Fast and pray for a healthy body and spiritual insight.


AND LET THE LIGHT OF TRUTH CONTINUE TO SHINE TO DO AWAY WITH THE DARKNESS ON OUR PLANET!  We are at a critical hour.  Either we stop the NEW WORLD ORDER of prison and slavery for everyone, or they will kill us all.  We HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR DESTINY.  Let's use it! All praises to the natural order of life!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

They are Killing us - slowly!

For a week now the devils have been busy spraying our skies here in the land of OZ, especially in Santa Monica.  Santa Monica is flooded with chem trails.  And these devils are slick.  They spray their deadly chemicals in such a way that they look like clouds on a hazy day, except that it's not cloudy at all.  But all day long you can see these chem trails over head. SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE!!!,the fire department!Will that help?

A few days ago it was reported that the schools in Santa Monica received 2.5 million dollars worth of masks.  It is clear now why they did. Somebody knows something!!! There is so much of these chem trails that it is amazing no one seem to know what is happening.  I went to the beach today in Santa Monica.  I had to leave for the second time because I can actually smell the stuff.  I love the beach, but my days on the beach in Santa Monica is over.

From what I can tell since December 13 all of Los Angeles is covered every day all day with chem trails. West Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Malibu seem to be the hardest hit. Further investigation is needed, however.  It's hard to believe Santa Monica is being hit harder than South Central.  How long will this go on, and how long will the people not take notice?  We need help!!!

Anybody know how to shoot down jet planes? Can't wait on the police.  More people to be infected is expected.

The Global Satanic Conspiracy - not lost

After this writer was arrested October 26, 2008 sitting  in a city park playing my guitar, the Illuminati  took my website off line.  During a search of my name, I found it on google.  The only way to get into it is to google search my name:  malik lumumba, go to the third page, and skroll down to the global satanic conspiracy.  Here is more detail about who the Illuminati are and what their plans are for us.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Pigs are Still Flying!

Since December 13 the Illuminati has stepped up their spraying of chem trails on the people.  Yesterday here in the land of Oz, it was a very nice day, no clouds in the sky.  Suddenly it was cloudy, for the rest of the day.  But a closer look it was not clouds at all but chem trails. This writer believes that in the chem trails is the airborne virus known as H1N1 or the Swine flu.  Now let's understand that the flu, according to Dr. Len Horowitz, " is a biological weapon."

In California, nearly 800 people were hospitalized two weeks ago since the flu cases began to escalate, according to the Los Angeles Times, December 4, 2009.  Seven hundred and ninety four people in California were hopitalized or had died.  So far this year, 7,000 Californians have been hopitalized because of H1N1. 

An estimated 3 million Californians have been sickened by the H1N1 virus, according to Dr. Gil Chavez, deputy director of the California Department of Public Health Center for Infectious Diseases. He estimated that 8 million doses of H1N1 vaccine have been given to the state.

In Santa Monica, CA. schools were given face masks.  More than 2.5 million was spent for the face masks.

In downtown Los Angeles yesterday there was a man walking the streets who wore a gas mask.  What  does this man know?  I was thinking about this as I walked through the streets of LA on my way to catch a bus home.  I came out of a store on 9th and San Pedro when I noticed many policemen.  I saw the yellow tape.  A closer look revealed a dead body of a homeless person.  Did he die heart broken, was he shot or stabbed or did he succumb to H1N1?

Some have said that the Swin flu vaccine is more lethal than the virus.  Beware!  One more interesting note.  It's been reported that Dr. Oz. owns 150,000 shares of the vaccine company. see  and

Also, 800,000 doses of the swine flu vaccine for children was recalled.  Do you still want your children vaccinated?  u.s. troops have no choice, before the holidays the troops, in mass, will get vaccinated.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Is There a conspiracy to kill Black Football Players?

There have been a number of Black football players who died mysterious this year 2009.  Steve McNair, and Chis Henry to name a few.  What about Walter Payton, Derrick Thomas & Buck Bucannan in the past?  Are we to believe these people died as we are told?  The Illuminati are masters of deception, and scientists of death. and they always, always, murder by numbers.

Chris Henry was murdered December 17, 2009. One plus 7 is eight.  Eight is perhaps the number they use most.  John Lennon December 8, 1980, Jimi Hendricks, September 18, 1970, using the whole date is an eight. Ted Kennedy, August 26, 2009. Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) Feburary 15, 1965.  Feburary, the second month plus one plus five is eight!

We must be aware as we walk through the shadow of death.  Fear no evil for the power of the universe is with us, but we must unplug ourselves from the matrix world slave system, and come together.

How to Survive the Global Satanic Conspiracy - The Peanut Butter Slam

The Peanut Butter Slam is a wholesome delicious snack.  Get some organic peanut butter, bake your own or buy organic peanut butter cookies. Take peanut butter and spread on the peanut butter cookie.  Then take pure raw organic honey and put on top of the peanut butter - slam!!!!

How to Survive the Global Satanic Conspiracy

The global satanic conspiracy is in full swing.  Slavery and genocide is their game. We can survive their murderous onslaught if we would but go back,  - back to nature, back to God. 

The following are a few ways we can survive the New World Order.

1) Don't get vaccinated.
2) Don't get microchipped.
3) Beware of chemtrails (report them to the police, preachers and politicans).
4) Keep your weapons loaded!!!
5) Exercise your body and your mind.(turn off your TV and have a good conversation. Read a good book, be creative!)
6) Learn to read between the lines in the Illuminati control media.
7) By all means, THINK FOR YOUR SELF!
8) Never think or trust a doctor to know what is best for you.
9) Get off all drugs!!!!Illegal and legal. Use mother natures' medicine: FOOD AND HERBS!
10) Take your money out of these banks and form your own credit union - a people's credit union.
11) Don't pay income taxes.   There is no law requiring you to pay income taxes!!!!!!
12) Don't eat at fast foods places, it's no good for you any way.
13) Stop destroying and polluting mom nature!!!
14) Stop going to the movies and sporting events.  Rent the DVD, watch the game on TV!
15) Create a job, business or service.  -work for yourself!
16) Create a strong family unit and keep it solid.
17) Love One another - we can't fight the devil and each other at the same time.
18) Develop a spiritual discipline and keep it real.
19) Use affirmations every day.
20) Plant fruit trees and Grow your own herbs.
21) Let you medicine be you food and you food your medicine.
22) Develop an attitude of gratitude.  Give thanks and praises to the natural order of life (God) each and every day.

The Pigs are Flying -(Spraying Deadly Chemicals)

"When pigs fly" was the all out genocidal biological attack order on the human race given by none other than the "ice pick assassin" himself, George h.w. Bush.  Bush is perhaps the most dangerous, most powerful criminal in history.

December 13, 2009 and the ringing of church bells 350 times signaled the final hour, the end of freedom, and the beginning of totally slavery - the new world order! -Global slavery(government)!

For the past month I have watched Chem Trails come and go everyday. But never have I seen it all day long!

Today, this writer saw chem trails over the Los Angeles area, especially west Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Malibu.  At one point, on Santa Monica beach,  you could see what looked liked a fog.  Indeed it was, a fog of deadly chemicals dropped from our skies!!!  You could even smell it, like sprays you smelled before, like the spray they use to kill roaches .

AIDS, Ebola, Sars, and H1N1, a virus used first in 1918, are but a few diabiolical, biological weapons in the arsenal of the u.s. military that is totally in the hands of the zionist jews; And these weapons are now being unleashed upon the masses.

Humanity is, at this very late hour, in deep trouble.  The devil and his helpers are spraying humanity with deadly poisons chemicals.  The devil got a grip on the whole world, but's only a grip; he is dangling by the hands.  If, we the people, would just step on their hands(stand up and fight back) they will fall into the abyss.

We must come together as one human family! Only then will the devil release his stranglehold on the people. For we are one collective entity that has been divided against itself.  "A house divided against itself cannot not stand."

Fast and Pray.  The time is at hand. This is a time of Divine fullfillment!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fugitive Slave Law Still in effect in the United State: Who is Malik Lumumba?

My name is Makalani Malik Lumumba El-Bey. I grew up in the most violent country in the world- the United States of Amerika.  I lived on an urban plantation called a housing project in Kansas City, Missouri, in the heart land of the USA.  The projects are where they warehouse human beings into crowded, prison-like conditions.  These are the people who cannot afford to live anywhere else.

I grew up in the largest, most dangerous plantation in Kansas City.  By the time I was 18 years old, I knew more people to die a violent death than most people know in a lifetime.  I knew two people who had their heads cut off!  A friend of mine was axed to the head.  my sister's best friend was shot to death.  She was pregnant at the time.  They say the man who did it was angry because she would not have sex with him.  An ex girfriend was shot to death to the head.  One of my friends overdosed on drugs.  Another friend was shot to death in the head while playing dice.  My cousing was raped and brutally murdered.  My nephew mysteriously drowned.  One of my brothers was shot in the mouth.  My maternal grandfather was shot to death at age 35. There are many others....

I decided not to become another sad statistic.  I stayed in school.  I went on to college, and though I am a musician at heart, I became a journalist.  This is where my troubles began.  I once thought you could tell the truth for no other reason that it is the truth.  I was naive to believe in the bullshit about "objective" journalism.  This is what I was taught.  But I learned very early on that you can only write what those in charge want you to write.  However, like Steve Biko, of  South Africa, I wrote what I liked.

By then it was too late.  I had already shown my hand.  Before I knew it, I became an "enemy of the state." I was blacklisted, harrassed, jailed, and eventually my life was threatened.  I left KC seeking a better political climate in which to live and work.  But every where I went, I got much of the same, harrassment, surveillance, no job, jail, and eventually homeless.

On May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia Illuminati dropped a bomb with c-4 explosives on a row house and murdered, in cold blood, 11 men, women including 5 children of the MOVE organization (no acronym).  They let the fire burn to destroy any evidence as they allowed the fire to burn down the whole neighborhood.  250 people lost everything they owned.  The very next day the zionist "jew" owned media said MOVE killed themselves!!!  I became a MOVE supporter that day - for life!!!

Though I grew up poor and  in the project I had a four bedroom house, a car, family, a "good" job. Today I have none of the above. When I began to write the truth and especially after I began to associate with MOVE, I have been under constant surveillance.  I have been shot at, stabbed and robbed by the police.  I had some type of implant placed in me.  I have been poisoned six times.(the last time this year, I lost over 40 pounds and was close to death).  My e-mails are read and somtimes deleted.  My regular mail is often opened.  My utilities cut off even when I paid my bills.  My telephone stayed on when I DID NOT PAY THE BILL! I have been run out of almost every city I lived. I was once chased by a helicopter, and I was literally chased to the boarder of Mexico. At 53 years young, I have no criminal record.

One the fourth of July, 2000, I was falsely arrested and tortured by the Denver Kops.  They robbed me of $270 dollars.  After I was released, I was placed on PROBATION. I was not convicted of any crine.  In fact, I was never charged with a crime!!! However i was told I could not leave the city of Denver or the state of Colorado with out their permision!  I did not live in Denver or Colorado. I was visiting at the time of my arrest.  As I tried to leave the city of Denver, I ended up being chased by helicopter!!!By the grace of the all power, I escaped.

In October, 2000 in Wichita, Kansas, I was yanked out of a taxi that I was driving and placed on a stree line up.  The kops tried to get a woman to identify me as one who had just robbed a convience store.  "He's the one who robbed the store isn't he mam," kops said. "No he didn't have dreadlocks,"  the woman said. I was saved by my dreadlocks.

After that I left for Canada.  I applied for political asylum, but before my case was heard,(after five months!) I decided I no longer wanted to live in Canada.  It reminded me of the USA in the 1960's, and I wasn't having that.  I went back to Mexico and have being going back ever since.

On one of my trips back to the usa, I was arrested in a city park in Leavenworth, Kansas.  I was playing my guitar at the time of the arrest.  They held me agaist my will for 22 days before I took a plea deal to get of of jail.  I took the plea in order to save my manuscript - The Global Satanic Conspiracy.

I was living in a facility for military veterans.  After 30 days absence they give away your belongings.  So I had to take the plea.  I was found guilty of  "Lewd and Lascvious behavior." With no criminal, I was to be placed on one year probation.  My sentencing was December 5, 2008, the same day as O.J. Simpson.  I was not about to give any legitimacy to their corrupt criminal justice system. So I escaped the plantation for Mexico.  I felt since they railroaded my with the help of my pig public defender, Michael Walker of Bonner Springs, Kansas, I was not going to honor their corrupt system.

I maintain that I am innocent.  I committed no crime.  A crime was committed against me.  I was arrested on bogus charges without witnesses, a victim or a crime ever being committed. So now I am a fugitive, however, a fugitive from injustice.  I am an ex slave who has escaped the plantation.  Those of us who refused to be slaves to this system are always in danger of being captured and imprisoned.

Yesterday there was the overseer and the slave catchers.  Today they are called the police and bounty hunters.  Yestersdays overseers and slave catchers became the the kops!!!  Ever since the u.s congress passed the FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW and u.s. president and slave holder george washington signed it into law in 1793, the u.s. government to this day continues with this law on the books.

One example is the case of Black Liberation Army leader Assata Shakur.  She escaped slavery while in prison and has been living in Cuba for over 20 years.  To this day the state of New Jersey has a million dollar bounty on her head, dead or alive!!! Can anyone deny that the Fugitive Slave Law is still in effect?  "Let me see your ID?"

DECLARATION OF POLITICAL PRISONER STATE I Makalani Malik Lumumba, declare that I am  "prisoner of Conscience" because of my work as a journalist and because of my affilation with the MOVE organization.  I have no protection of any government.  I am stateless person subject to International law under the United Nations Declarations of Human Rights of 1948 Article 33  "Stateless persons has attributes of statehood."

When I got out of jail, I received an e-mail from the FBI, dated November 22, 2008 at 2:22 pm.  It stated in part "be informed that the pettion authoritatively writing against you will pave the way for legal actions against you...this e-mail should serve as a warning to you to comply with this directive...ortherwise we shall apprehend you for questions and subsequently prosecute you according to the criminal law in any competent international court of justice...Be warned.  Note that you are being monitored in every correspondence..

I received my rejection for political asylum in Mexico on the 22 of October 2009 after three months waiting ( I was told normally it is a five week process). They gave me 30 days to leave the country which was 22 November 2009!!! 


Help a freedom fighter.  Help me continue to bring you news you don't get in the Illuminati owned media.
it's time to unite as a human race or perish forever,  because of the name of their game is slavery, prison and genocide: aids, H1N1, ebola, sars, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, cancer and many other diseases, and a whole lot other ways they have figured out how to kill us than we can fathom.  We must open our eyes.

One writer put it: "we are being manipulated by a joint human/alien power structure which will result in a one world government and the partial enslavement of the human race."  If not now, when, when are the masses of the people going to rise up and TAKE what belongs to us -our earth and our freedom!

Twenty FiveYears and still ON THE MOVE!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dirty Tricks in the jew world order

                       "Most jews don't like to admit it, but our god is lucifer!"

        - Harold Rosenthal, assistant  to former New York Senator Jacob Javits

   (shortly after Rosenthal made that statement and other revealing statements about the jews, in a paid interview, he was found dead).

This writer is not able to store any thing on a disk for any length of time. The national socalist agency who called themselves the national "security" agency (nsa) is monitoring every computer and every thing I write.  Since they are the masters of deception and the master of propaganda, they know better than anyone else the power in words and images especially if those words and images represent the truth.

For the past two days I have been trying  to down load  pictures from the internet, but big brother zionist imposter jew through the (nsa) play their dirty tricks, and I am not able to down load.  What are these photos? pictures of high profile imposter jews with the satanic masonic hand signs. What is it that they don't want the public to see and know?

We can learn much from that man that some have called Jesus.  "You are of your father, THE DEVIL, (John 8:44)
and are the synagague of SATAN!

The power of truth is forever!

The 13 Satanic Reptilian Families of The Illuminati that Runs The World

The following are the names of the 13 satanic familes of the Illuminati.   Not all of the people within these families are Reptilillan, but these families are muti generational satanist and are the ones who responsible for most, if not all, of the problems on our Earth. Those who control the Illuninati are members of these families and their off shoots.  Astor, Bundy (remember ted?), Collins Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li (Chinese) Onassis, Rockafella, Rotchild, Russell Van Duyn & merovingian (european royal families). The following families are also interconnected with those above: Reynolds, Disney, Krupp, McDonald.  see

The following is another list by another researcher: Rotchild (Bauer or Bower), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockafellas, Romanov, Sinclair (St. Clair), Warburg (Del Banco), Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe).  Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and /or a particular function to fulfill on earth.  These particular functions  include global finances, military techonoly/development, mind control, religion and media.  They are all shape shifters!  see

Each of the 13 families has a council of 13 as well. the next level is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar (head of Illuminati) and the 13 families.  These families include Agneli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delany, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Reynolds, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson.  There are many others.

The USA was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the Illuminati families.  The USA is actually a corporate asset of the Virigina Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct involment of the Rotchilds.  The assets of the Virginia Company, including the USA are owned by THE ROMAN EMPIRE that still exist via THE VATICAN! This occurred in 1213 when King James gave all English assets to the Pope.  Executorship remain with the Windors in Britan, but actual ownership lies with the Roman Cathoic Church.

- source Blue Blood, True Blood, by  Swerdlow, The Biggest Secret, David Icke.

This writer think the second list of names is the most accurate because of the DeMedicis, and the Hapsburgs, however all of these families are interconnected one way or the other. Note also that they are the imposter jews.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Drama of Obama (part 3 ) The Zionist Take Over of the U.S. A.


                "The jews are in total control of the u.s. govenment"
                                     - osama bin laden

Hope, change, Obama! were the flyers and placards everywhere.  People were tired of the last 30 years of the bush/clinton crime gang running amok and  murdering everyone in their way as they stole trillions from the people while they handed on a silver plater, the u.s. government over into the hands of the imposter jew.   But now the drama continues as the world evil rulers (the rothchilds) selected  their puppet, a Black man, as u.s. president, and once again  lured the people into a deep sleep as martial law become the law of the land in a zionist jew police state .

The top 10 positions and all the top posts in communications, economics, financing,  & health  are the imposter jews!!!  The imposter jew makes up  2.5 percent of the country.  How do they get all of the major positions? Is this the Hope and Change people are looking for?

   The Ten Most Powerful Government Jobs in Money and Finance:

1. Chairman of the private banking firm call FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, Ben Bernake , zionist  -imposter jew.
2. Vice President of the Federal Reserve, Donald Kuhn,  zionist - imposter jew.
3. Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geither,  zionist - imposter jew.
4. Director of Office Management and budget  Peter Orzhag,  zionist  - imposter jew.
5. Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors - Larry Summers,  zionist  - imposter jew.
6. Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Schapiro,  zionist imposter jew.
7. Chairman, Federal Depoit Insurance Corporation, Shelia Blair, zionist imposter jew.
8. Chairman, Commodities Futures Trading Commission, Gary Gensler, zionist impost jew.
9. Director Office of Regulatory Affairs,  Cass Sunstein, zionist imposter jew.
10. Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service,  Douglass Shulman, zionist imposter jew.

Chief Political Advisor, David Axelrod  zionist imposter jew
White House Director of Communications,  Ellen Moran zionist imposter jew (she is the one who control the words on the teleprompter that Obama better not mess up).
The Vice President's Chief of Staff, Ron Klain  zionist imposter jew.
The first lady's Chief of Staff - Susan Sher, zionist imposter Jew.
White House Medical Czar Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of the Chief of Staff , Rahm "The Cruel" Emanuel, zionist imposter jew.
U.S. Solictor General, Elena Kagan zionist imposter jew.
CLIMATE CHANGE Czar, Todd Stern, zionist imposter jew.
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs, Obama's major financier, zionist imposter jew.
Richard Haas president of CFR (inner circer of the Illuminati)  58 E 68th st NYC, and Obama's ambassador at-large, zionist imposter jew.
Corp. Compensation Czar, Ken Feinbers, zionist imposter jew.
Special Represenative for Boarder Affairs, Alan Bersin, zionist imposter jew.
Overseer of the United States's gulag concentration camps, Daniel Fried, zionist imposter jew.
Environmental Adivsor and Energy Coordinator, Carol Browner, zionst imposter jew.
Chairman Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Eric Lander, zionist imposter jew.
Head of Small Business Administration, Karen Mills, zionist imposter jew.
Deputy Secretaries of State, Jacob Lew and James Steinberg, zionist imposter jew.
Deputy White House Chief of Staff, Mona Sutphen , zionist imposter jew.
Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, zionist imposter jew.
Director for the Center for Disease Control (CDC),Thomas Frieden, zionist imposter jew.
Director of Obama's task Force of Auto Industry, Steven Rattner, zionist imposter Jew.
Federal Trade Commision (FTC), Jon leibowitz, zionist imposter jew.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Margaret Hamburg, zionist imposter jew.
Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) Julius Genachowski, zionist impsoter jew.

See The Synagogue of Satan: The secret History of Jewish World Domination, - Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Do the jews own hollywood?  "You bet they do and what of it."  Ben Stein's(money).

The drama of Obama continues as a made for TV movie about a Black president of the USA  played out in real life.

 They gave Obama the wrong award.  He should have gotten an academy award for best actor.  He's much better than Ronald Regan was.  How does one get a nobel PEACE Prize while at the same time send troops to war?

Who are the hidden cabal behind Obama? Those who control hollywood knows for sure; 

While Obama gives sociopathic criminals the master key to the national treasury, these zionist thugs take over america - "change, hope, our time has come..."

Welcome to america, welcome to the jew world order, and the jew world order is slavery and prison for all.  H1N1 coming to a city near you.

p.s.  remember    - the secetary of state Hillary Clinton, and the chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli citizen, zionist imposter jews!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Letter to the Committee of Eligibility of COMAR

* COMAR is the Mexican Commission fo Refugee Aid

September 4, 2009

On a MOVE!
Greetings to everyone, and all praises to the order of life!

My name is Malik Lumumba from the United States.  I feel it is necessary to write a personal letter to you since I am not able to face the people who will decide my future in Mexico.

It is very important that I write these words.  It is not important for my sake alone, it is important for the world, for as one writer put it: "the world is enveloped in a satanic conspiracy so deep, so diabolical, it defies belief."

I am under the impression that, for many governments around the world, there are no political prisoners from the United States because the USA is "the leader of the free world."  It is hard for me to believe that anyone can actually believe that.  However, I do understand the power of propaganda.

As a watchman(journalist) I have been able to see through the veil of deception, the propaganda the u.s. spews forth throughout the world.  I can tell you from experience, as a witness, and victim, that the United States is the greatest violator of human rights in the world without a shadow of a doubt! Some of the longest held political prisoners in the world are in the USA.  Just one example, Ruchell Magee over 45 years!!!

I am told that leaving the USA when there is a law case pending is a violation and good cause for my rejection.  Understand clearly, I came to Mexico out of fear for my life!!! Every time I return to the USA I take a chance of being captured.  On October 26, 2008 that is exactly what happened.  I was falsely arrested, jailed, and found guilty of a crime that didn't exist!  I was not about to honor a corrupt system nor was I going to place myself in harms way where I am under close scrutiny for them to come up with a plan to entrap me into violating a false probation, and to give them a reason to put me in jail.  I could not take that chance, especially since the USA is officially under martial law.  The fact that I was thrown in jail is part of a 20 year persecution!

From 1990 to 2000, I lived in more than 10 cities in the USA.  I believe this is the main reason I am not in prison today.  It is difficult to plan an entrapment when you are on the move.

The former President George W. Bush is currently under and indictment for bribing five u.s. supreme cout justices known as the Gang of Five;  he lied about the illegal and immoral war in Iraq and Afghanistan which cause the deaths of over a million people, he knew about the destruction of the World Trade Center which cause the lives of over 3,000 people including a former FBI chief John O'Neil; the illegal spying on millions of u.s. citizens; the destruction of the u.s. economy and the theft of 23.5 trillion dollars from the u.s. treasury bankruting the u.s. government.

The likely outcome of the indictment? - a dismissal of charges or immunity, after all his father, George H. W. Bush is one of the heads of the secret shadow u.s. government.

This is coruption at the highest level in government!  If a u.s. president and the supreme court in the land is corrupt what does that say about the government?  And can there be any justice at the local levels?  The bottom line is the u.s. government is totally out of control!

I am a support member of the MOVE organization in Philadelphia, PA.  On May 13, 1985 the Police dropped a bomb on MOVE and murdered in cold blood, 11 men, women including five children who were trying to escape a fire.  The media and police told the whole world that MOVE killed themselves!!!  August 8, 1978 the police arrested nine MOVE members and sentenced them to 30 -100 years in prison for something impossible for all of them to do.  How can nine people kill one man who was killed with one shot?  They are still in prison today!

MOVE's work is REVOLUTION! And this revolution is "to stop man from imposing on life, to stop industry from poisoning the air, water and soil and to put an end to the enslavment of all life."  I have made a conscious personal commitment to do what is right.

My work is "to show how enslaving the system is and that the system is the cause of homeless, unemployment, drug addiction, racism, AIDs, Swine Flu, crime, war and all the problems of the world."  For this I have dedicated my life.  I make no apologies for wanting to see this rotten system destroyed.  Any righteous person would want an end to evil.

To deny me freedom is to uphold the human rights violations committed by the u.s government 24 hours a day, everyday.  To deny me freedom is to deny the life of 10 year old Randy Evans who was shot and killed by a cop while the cop stood over him and said "die you little motherfucker die!" and there are tapes the cop said it, and the cop got away this murder!

To deny me freedom is to deny the thousands of freedom fighters and political prisoners locked away in u.s. prisons.  To deny me freedom is to deny the MOVE nine who have been in prison for 31 years.  To deny me freedom is to deny one of the best journalists in the u.s., Mumia Abu Jamal, freedom who has been on death row for 28 years  It is to deny over 300 years of slavery and another 100 years of lynching and oppression.

There were no boarders before Columbus and Cortes, who were mass murderers, rapists and thieves. This(MeXIco) is my land too!  I am a descendant of the XI (shi) people called Olmec in the history books.  The XI people are one of the nations of the Washitaw de Dugahmoundah!  One of the oldest nations in the world with a continous history of over 10,000 years right in the so-called USA.

I just want to be free to live a normal life.  I am tired of the persecution.  This system wants to stop me from exposing their corruption and planned destruction of the USA and the world.  The message of love and truth is threatening to those in power.

I am committed to doing what is right!

To deny me freedom is to deny the millions of people all over the world who have been victims of American imperialism, murdered in the name of freedom in places like Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can search all over the world and you will not find a place on Earth as guilty of the inhuman practices as the United States.

You would be denying the millions of indigneous people in the u.s who were uprooted from their land and the millions murdered and the thousands who now live on "reservations" in some of the most wretched condtions that exist anywhere in the world.

I am only five generations up from the worst form of slavery ever inflicted on human beings any where in the world.  Many of my people still eat hog guts today unaware of the historic significance behind it.  One hundred and 34 years is not a long time in the life of a people who came through over 300 years of the most brutal inhuman treatment the world has evern known.  They took our names, religion and language and stripped us from the knowledge of ourselves, and taught us to be obedient only to the slave masters. They rape our wives, daughters and sons and will.

One hundred and 34 years later. we, the original people of the Earth are still not free!  Percentage wise, we are the most unemployed, homeless, and  the most in prison.  We are still second class citizens even with a "Black" president!  And I don't accept second citizenship from any nation, especially since we, the aboriginal people are the first people of creation.  We are the mothers and fathers of civilization!  And we as a people no longer tolerate degradation and humiliation.

If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the thousands of innocent people in prison.  If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the millions of homeless.  If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the millions of women who are raped and sexually abused every two minutes.  If there is freedom in America go tell it to my brothers an sisters on the reservations.  If there is freedom in America tell it to the millions of victims of police brutality; tell it to the animals in the zoos.

I am committed to doing what is right.

You can deny me freedom, but you cannot deny the truth of which I speak. The truth is the light that will set us all free.  On this I stand committed to doing what is right.

Long live John Africa!

The power of truth is forever!

I remain forever On THE MOVE!

Malik Makalani Lumumba El-Bey

Editor's note:  I felt compelled to write this letter after I realized I was being sabotaged by a woman named Jasmin who was the only person that I dealt with during the three months I was awaiting a decision. When I asked to speak to people higher up, nobody seem to know who was in charge. I got the run around.  Without a lawyer I knew my chances were slim.  For one thing, after submitting 100 pages of document, they tell me that a committee sits and decides one's fate.  The individual do not come before this imaginary committee.  Further, this woman named Jasmin was more interested in the people who told me that certain officals were plotting my life than why I felt I had to leave the usa.  She wanted to know the names of the people who told me this.  She was clearly working for the Illuminati. Another thing I noticed is that 99% of the people who worked in COMAR were white people!!!White people make up MAYBE 5% of the population in Mexico! The whole process was a sham.  The Mexican government is totally controlled by the usa. Another reason I knew the u.s. government was controlling the process is when I recieved my rejection letter they used my slave name. At no time in the whole process did I ever use that name, and at no time in the process did the COMAR use that name to address me or in their correspondences to me.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Occult Science (Numerology) Used Against the MOVE Organization and Others

Every action the Illuminati has used against the MOVE Organization in Philadelphia , every court date, every sentence date, every move made against MOVE has been made using  the science of numbers. The most used numbers the Illuminati uses to commit their heinous acts and murder are the numbers 4 (13,22,31) or 8 (17, 26).  They also use 7 (16, 25) and 11. They use the day, or the month and day or they use the month, day and year that adds up to a 4, 8 ,7 or 11.  Nine is also used for certain actions.  The number nine in ancient numerology was very sacre.  The evil ones uses it for evil purposes.  The number nine is also  the number six turned upside down. 666 is 18 added up.  1 and 8 is 9. They always, always, murder by numbers!!!

 Often times they even use the time down to the seconds like 3:30 or 3:33 or 6:30 or 3:36. The number 33 is a masonic/Iluminati number. Virginia Tech 33 dead including one of the shooters, a manchurian candidate no doubt!

Starting with August 8, 1978 (you can go back further, but I'll start here) The Illuminati attempted to murder the Africa family(MOVE), it did not happen but they murdered one of their own and blamed it on MOVE.  The MOVE nine was sentenced on May 4,  to 30 to 100 years. The Pennsylvania Illuminati dropped a bomb and murdered 11 people of the MOVE organization on May 13, 1985.  The sole adult survior Ramona Africa was given 7 years, and was let out of prison May 13, 1992. One of the MOVE nine members, Merle Africa, was murdered on March 13, 1998.  Mumia Abu Jamal was sentenced to die on  August 17. These are but a few examples.

The Name Vincent Leaphart is a 22.  The name John Africa is a 7.  Both numbers are considered revolutionary.  The 22 is a master number and the number of foundation.  It is a master number also considered a mystic number as the 7.  The number 7 is a number of truth and is very magical and magnetic as the 22. Some members of the MOVE organization were born on a 4(13,22,31) or 8 (17,26). This writer is a MOVE supporter born on a 22.

Let's look at others.  Martin luther King Jr was murdered April 4.  Fred Hampton and Mark Clark murdered December 4. John Lennon murdered December 8. Ted Kennedy murdered August 26. Robert Kennedy, June 5, 1968. June the 6th month plus 5 is an 11.  If you add of the whold date you get an 8.  So he had an 8 and an 11.  Likewise Malik Shabazz(Malcolm X) was murdered on a 8 and 11. Feburary 15 using the month and date is an 8 adding the whole date 1965 you get an 11, also murdered on this same date was Nat King Cole. Tupac Shakur, September 13.  They attempted to kill Tupac on the 7th but he survived, so they killed him in the hospital on the 13th.  JFK 22 November.  JFK Jr. July 16. Bob Marley, May 11. Jimi Hendricks was murdered September 18, 1970 using the whole date is an 8, 16 days later Janice Joplin was murdered on October 4th. Michael Jackson, murdered on June 25, 2009 is an 13, 7 and an 11!  using the whole date! They sentenced O.J. Simpson on December 8, 2009. This writer's sentencing was the same date, though, I escaped to Mexico. The Illuminati murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, June 12, 1993, using the whole date is 13,( the next day would have been a 13 so they had two days to do it).They gave O.J. 33 years,but said they would keep him for 9! If you drop the zeros in the 30 to 100 years sentence giving to the MOVE nine you get a 4!

Okay, lets look at other events, Pear Harbor December 7, World Trade Center in NYC September 11, Kent State murders March 4,  All of the school shootings were on a number they use except for Columbine. Columbine,Waco and the OKC bombing,all on April 19, which is a special day for the people who practice satanism. The MOVE bombing as disscused earlier, May 13. The assault on the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Parter, December 8, 1969. The murder of Huey Newton August 22. April 17, two days before the OKC bombing a plane crashed carrying about 8 U.S. military officers who were in the process of arresting then U.S. President Bill Rockafella Clinton for treason for giving away military(nuclear) secrets to the Chinese government, March 13, 2009 Congress held a special meeting where all members were present and were told that the u.s. constitution was suspended and that the u.s is now under Martial Law! On December 13, 2009 CHURCH bells are supposed to be ringing throughout the day to officially bring in the NEW World Order!..........


Empire Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah

Most people have not heard of the independent Black nation in the USA. Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah is one of the oldest indigneous nations on Earth! right in the USA! Before Columbus Black people have been in this land for thousands of years. You can get your passport and citizenship and ID and still live in the USA.
According to the Empress of the nation all people on the the North, South, and Central American belong to the Washitaw nation!

The first step in becoming, reclaiming, or naturalizing into the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah is to make first contact with the Emperial Ministry of Immigration.  write to: Empire Washitaw de Dugadahmoundyah, Ministry of Immigration c/o Post Office Box 1509 Columbia Via: u.s.a. postal zone 71418.

Bailing Out The Rich

In the USA
the biggest drug pushers are the CIA
and Wall street bankers
are nothing but gangsters
they are the ones who put the guns in your hands
and send you to Iraq and Afghanistan
to kill and die for the rich...

...and they got trillions
but they stole 700 billion
from the people
for a bailout
I want the hell out
bailing out the rich

and they don't care nothing about your momma
they give you a crony like Obama
everybody think's it's a change
but if you look carefully
it's the same damn thing...

...killing and dying for the rich
killing and dying for the rich
killing and dying for the rich...

...ain't that a bitch?

 - Ras Makalani

Friday, December 11, 2009

Some Suppressed Muurish (Moorish) Science

A fearless Muurish astrologer, freemason, and mathematician by the name of Ben Bey, in the year 1215, Muurish calendar/1795 Christian calendar, in New York City laid the foundation of Universal Law, (the 12 signs of the Zodiac) and the science of government.  He termed the North Gate (North America) the HUB of the universe for perpetual freedom.  In the history books Ben Bey is known as Benjamin Banneker.

The universal constitution is the science of Astrology/Numerlogy.  The 12 signs of the Zodiac, the complete circle of 360 which represents the whole of creation, space and time.  The 12 signs of the Zodiac comprise the circle of 360 degrees of absolute perfection of the science of Geometry. The Zodiac is an unchanged map of the universe which comprises 360 degrees. astrology means Astro-logic or logic of the works of nature.  It has to do with solutions to problems and human characteristics.

Almost all priests of the Catholic church are master astrologers and numerologist, yet they teach you that it is of the devil!  It is these very priests who are the ones who have long suppresed the science of the Zodiac by way of negative religious mystery or belief.

The Murrish nation violated the universal law of the Zodiac, which resulted in total corruption and their fall. The Muurish nation ruled the world and the seven seas for 1196 years.  The last 300 years of their rule, the halfbreed generations of the Muurs, suppressed the knowledge of the science of the 12 signs of the Zodiac by brute force, from which resulted in mass ignorance, hatred, slavery and bloodshed.  This resulted in the fall of the Muurish nation, the science of the Zodiac, and the rise of the modern day priesthood.  The violation of the universal law of the Zodiac resulted in total corruption and their fall.  The so-called "white" people are the experimentation descendants of the Muurish nation.  The Muurs are the mothers and fathers of North, Central and South Americans.  The priests inherited Muurish corruption and rule the world by it today.

The barbarians of North America, the tribe of the AX and the tribe of the SPEAR allied together and became ruler of the world and the seven seas between 1828 and 1898.  The statue of the Christ of the Andes in Argentina was erected in the year 1892 in honor of the Union army of North America in 1863 that defeated the last of the falling Muurish nation from Cuba to the Islands of Hawaii and the Philippines between 1863 and 1898.

The Franciscan-Catholics(Daughters of the American revolution) today called the Roman Catholic Church/the Jesuits, established the mythical or unreal doctrine of Holy Mother Mary and son Christ and is the the iron rulers from which the world must free themselves.

 -source   Clock of Destiny  by C.M. Bey

The term Anglia means Spear.  The terms English or Anglo were framed from Anglia.  The term Saxon was from from AX.  Phrased together brought about the Anglo-Saxons in North and Central America and spread abroad. The English language was created in 1828 in Virginia,  from which resulted in the birth of the "New World" and new nation.  Prior to 1828, the "white" tribes were speaking various dialects of Latin, the language of the Muurish nation!  The English language is the manifestation of all spoken Latin dialects, which makes English the simplified universal language for the one race - the human race!

Possible Illuminati Murders Thought Otherwise

Curtis Mayfield, Eddie Kendricks, Jimi Hendricks, John F. Kennedy Jr, Ted Kennedy, Grace Kelly, Princess Diana, Grover Washington Jr, Michael Jackson, James Brown, Barry White, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bernie Mack, Issac Hayes, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Phil Oaks, Paul Williams, David Ruffin, Melvin Franklin, Rick James, Dorothy Dandridge, Janice Joplin, Jim Kelly, Robert Khardashian, Johnnie Cochran, George Harrison, Dondra West, Marylin Monroe, LBJ, Gay Edgar Hoover, Khalid Muhammad, Reggie Lewis (lawyer) Reggie Lewis (basketball), Buck Buchanan,  Walter Payton, Macfaden AND Whithead, Richard Wright, August Wilson, Alex Haley, Louis Lomax, Peter Jennings, Tim Russurt, Frank Renyolds, Michael Jordan's father, Sam Cook, Otis Redding and the Barkays, Philippe "soul" Wynn,  Jackie Wilson, Flip Wilson, Redd Foxx, Richard Pyror, Arthur Ashe, Lenny Bruce, James Baldwin, Sal Mineo, James Dean, Karen Carpenter, James Forrester, Dr. David Kelly, Billy Holiday, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Luther Vandross, Gregory Hines, Nicole Simpson, Ron Goldman, Gary Webb, Mae Brussell, Milton William Cooper, Phil Schiender, Frank Olsen, Miles Davis, Frankie Lymon, John Belushi, Heath Ledger,  Buddy Holly, Johnny Carson, George Carlin, Marvin Gaye, Florance Ballard, Selena, Philis Hyman, Johanny "guitar" Watson, Ron Brown, Vince Foster, Sonny Bono, Mel Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Micky Leland, Larry P. Mcdonald, Huey P. Newton, George G.M.James, Harold Washington, Loraine Hansbury, Jerry Garcia, Bill Bixby, Mama Cass Elliot, Vicki Morgan, Karen Silkwood,  Jesse Belvin, Easy E, Jam Master Jay, Tupac Shakur, Chirstopher "biggie" Wallace, Phil Hartman, Dr. Charles Drew, Alberta King (King Jr's mother), Corretta Scott King, A. D, King (King's brother), Yolanda King, Betty Shabazz, Steve Allen, Kwame Ture, Kwame Nkrumah, Lucky Dube, Mother Theresa,  Sekou Ture, Halie Selassie, Amilcar Cabral, Anwar Sadat,  Marcus Garvey, Theolonious Monk,  Little Willie John, Cheik Anta Diop, William Colby, William Casey, Max Robinson, Ennis Cosby, Donnie Hathaway, Jim Croce, Meredith Hunter, Ronnie Van Zandt, Fay Stender, Brian Epstein, River Phoenix,  Natalie Wood,  Josephine baker,, Tammy terrell, Florence G. Joyner, Lou Rawls, Sharon Tate and the LaBiancas, Van McCoy, DennisWilson, Eldridge Cleaver, Fannie Lou Hammer, Bon Scott, Brent Hume's son, Cokie Roberts's father, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Jack Ruby, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Jackie Robinson, Jack Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Keith Moon, Curt Cobain, Derrick Thomas (KC Chiefs), Jim Morrison, Wilt Chamberlain, Del Jones, Barashango, Noble Drew Ali,  Merle Africa, Steve Biko, Patrice Lumumba, the late presidents of Rwanda and Brundi, Thomas Sankara, Amri Baraka's daughter, Serena and Venus Williams's sister, Tiger Woods father, John Africa and  the MOVE organization/May 13, 1985, The people at Jim Jones temple, the people near Waco, Texas, Mark Clark and Fred Hampton, Bunchy Carter and John Huggins,  George L. Jackson, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, John Lennon, Freddy Prence, Nat King Cole,Carlton Barrett, Garnet Silk, Jacob Miller, Denis Brown, DJ  Scott la - Roc. Steve McNair, Sahel Kazemi, Chris Henry, Brittney Murphy. William Kunstler, Tony Snow, Patrick Swayze, Farrah Facett, Carlton Barrett, Dennis Brown, Garnett Silk, Jacob Miller,....... more

Don't get vaccinated!!!!!!!!!!!! Planned Genocide!

Whatever you do, don't get vaccinated for any reason.  First of all vaccines are not safe and made with all kinds of poisons like mercury and formaldehide.  Second H1N1 is military grade biological weapon which was intentionally allowed to go airborne.  It is a mix contail of pig flu, bird flu and Sars actived with NANO technology and radio frequencies.

We are in a pandemic. Former U.S. President and child molester( see Cathy OBrien's Transformation in America) George H.W. Bush  have unleashed his genocidal plan on the U.S.  population and the world.  When Pigs Fly is/was the attack order given. More than 50,000 people in the USA have died.  Millions have been affected and or hopitalized!  1 in 6 people got the swin flu.  US President Obama declared on October 23 a national health emergency regarding H1N1 virus which was released by the US government!!!! Obama refused to have his own daughters vaccinated!!!This should tell you something. It's planned genocide by the rulers of the US government.  Many people still refuse to believe that the US government would do something like this.It's time to wake up! before it is too late! and fight back!

What you can to to fight the pandemic?:   Eat organic food. Fast and pray.  Meditate and recite affirmations.  Take herbs like echinacea, dandelion, burdock root, jupiner berries, chaparral, goldenseal, and ginseng and drink ginger and green teas.   Drink plenty of clean water, used flaxseed oils and use the sauna and steambaths to detoxofy. Never assume you doctor knows everything about your condition.  Be your own doctor!!!!!!Do your own research. Get plenty of sun, fresh air and exercise. Give thanks and praises to the natural order of life!

AIDS was spread in Africa through the smallpox vaccine administered by the World Health Organization (WHO). 15,000 gallons of the AIDS virus was sent to Africa in 1977.  The USA issued progress #13 of the "special virus" program.  This report proves the U.S. had international agreements to kill Black people - Russia, Germany, England, France, Canada and Japan.  The project for the making of the AIDS virus was carried out at Ft. Detrick,MD.  AIDS was made by the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chaicago in 1972.  They used glandular excretions of animals, humans, and alien humanoids to make the virus.  The code name for the AIDS project was MK-NAOMI.  The MK stands for the two authors of AIDS, Robert Manaker and Paul Kotin.  The NAOMI stands for "Negroes Are Only Momentary Individuals."( see www.

One last interesting note on June 17,2009 National Public TV on the NOVA program in a program called "The Deadliest Virus.  It was about the 1918 Flu that killed million worldwide, one of the sample tubes was labeled H1N1!!!!!!!!!!!!According to some the flu virus is not as dangerous as the vaccines that is supposed to prevent it!!! One of the ingredents being used to make the new H1N1 flu vaccine is derived from the kidneys of diseased monkeys -

According to Dr. Len Horowitz Flu is a biological weapon!!!!        

Beware of Chem Trails

Almost everyday in the skies over Los Angeles are many Chem Trails.  Chem trails look like the con trail of a jet plane, but these are longer trails and they are filled with deadly chemicals.  Pay attenttion to the skies where you live. When you see the chem trails go inside and stay until the sky is clear of them. Call your politicans in your area and request that they stop spraying our skies with these deadly chemicals.
We must defeat the new world order or they will kill all of us.  Wake up before it's too late!!! don't sit on the sideline.  DO SOMETHING!!! Get involved.  You don't have to be a politican or some other leadership position. It's your duty and responsibility as a human on this planet to help get rid of the people who are destroying our Earth! ACT NOW for tomorrow will be too late!

Chemtrails Poisons have caused: Respiratory problems and Acute respiratory distress, chronic fatigue and flu-like symptoms, chronic headaches and allergies, fibromyalgia and chronic pain, mental and emotional problems, immune system depletion, mysterious, debilitating and uncurable health problems.  It is known that more and more people are developing strange chronic type conditions which are generally unresponsive to standard medical care, as well as to herbal treatment, due to internal toxic changes in the body.  Chemtrails are also affecting the life or bio-energy, resulting in severe fatigue and weakening.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Journalist Denied Political Asylum in Mexico

Malik Lumumba,a native of Kansas City, Mo., a freelance photojournalist, was denied political asylum in Mexico in October, 2009.  The Mexican government claimed Lumumba, aka Ras Makalani,did not have enough information to warrant a claim for political asylum.  Despite the fact Lumumba had nearly 100 pages of information, including an e-mail from the FBI warning Lumumba that he could be arrested and tried in any international criminal court.  The e-mail also said that all of his emails will be monitored.

Lumumba was arrested in October 2008 in Leavenworth, Kansas while sitting in a city park playing his guitar.  He spent 22 days in the county jail before he was released after he accepted a plea.  He was charged and found guilty of  lewd behavior.  Lumumba accepted the plea because he would have lost his manuscript - the Global Santanic Conspiracy.  Lumumba was staying in a Veterans transitional  housing unit and after 30 days they give away your belongings.

"I was railroaded with the help of my pig public attorney Michael Walker of Bonner Springs, Kansas" Lumumba said, now backin the U.S. in Los Angeles. "I was posting flyers about my book, this is why they arrested me", Lumumba said. "The controllers of the U.S. government don't want the people to know the truth that the Bush/Clinton crime family and the International Wall Street gangster bankers, along with the Grandmaster Jesuits, are the people behind the conspiracy to destroy the U.S. constitution, and the ones who have stolen 23.5 trillion dollars from the American public" continued Lumumba.

For more than 20 years Lumumba has been persecuted by the criminals who control the U.S. government. He has been denied employment, he's been harrased, under constant surveliance, jailed, stabbed, poison six times, run out of almost every city, and even chased by helicopter and chased into Mexico by the criminal authority of the U.S. goverment. He was once placed on probation in Denver, Colorado without being charged with a crime!

Lumumba is a conscious citizen of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika.

walking eagle

Apparently our American Indian brothers see right through to Obama. At the conclusion of a speech made by President Obama a few months ago to a major gathering of the American Indian nation in New York, the Chiefs gave Obama a name: "Walking Eagle".  The Chiefs explained that walking eagle is the name given to "a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly."