Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Letter to the Committee of Eligibility of COMAR

* COMAR is the Mexican Commission fo Refugee Aid

September 4, 2009

On a MOVE!
Greetings to everyone, and all praises to the order of life!

My name is Malik Lumumba from the United States.  I feel it is necessary to write a personal letter to you since I am not able to face the people who will decide my future in Mexico.

It is very important that I write these words.  It is not important for my sake alone, it is important for the world, for as one writer put it: "the world is enveloped in a satanic conspiracy so deep, so diabolical, it defies belief."

I am under the impression that, for many governments around the world, there are no political prisoners from the United States because the USA is "the leader of the free world."  It is hard for me to believe that anyone can actually believe that.  However, I do understand the power of propaganda.

As a watchman(journalist) I have been able to see through the veil of deception, the propaganda the u.s. spews forth throughout the world.  I can tell you from experience, as a witness, and victim, that the United States is the greatest violator of human rights in the world without a shadow of a doubt! Some of the longest held political prisoners in the world are in the USA.  Just one example, Ruchell Magee over 45 years!!!

I am told that leaving the USA when there is a law case pending is a violation and good cause for my rejection.  Understand clearly, I came to Mexico out of fear for my life!!! Every time I return to the USA I take a chance of being captured.  On October 26, 2008 that is exactly what happened.  I was falsely arrested, jailed, and found guilty of a crime that didn't exist!  I was not about to honor a corrupt system nor was I going to place myself in harms way where I am under close scrutiny for them to come up with a plan to entrap me into violating a false probation, and to give them a reason to put me in jail.  I could not take that chance, especially since the USA is officially under martial law.  The fact that I was thrown in jail is part of a 20 year persecution!

From 1990 to 2000, I lived in more than 10 cities in the USA.  I believe this is the main reason I am not in prison today.  It is difficult to plan an entrapment when you are on the move.

The former President George W. Bush is currently under and indictment for bribing five u.s. supreme cout justices known as the Gang of Five;  he lied about the illegal and immoral war in Iraq and Afghanistan which cause the deaths of over a million people, he knew about the destruction of the World Trade Center which cause the lives of over 3,000 people including a former FBI chief John O'Neil; the illegal spying on millions of u.s. citizens; the destruction of the u.s. economy and the theft of 23.5 trillion dollars from the u.s. treasury bankruting the u.s. government.

The likely outcome of the indictment? - a dismissal of charges or immunity, after all his father, George H. W. Bush is one of the heads of the secret shadow u.s. government.

This is coruption at the highest level in government!  If a u.s. president and the supreme court in the land is corrupt what does that say about the government?  And can there be any justice at the local levels?  The bottom line is the u.s. government is totally out of control!

I am a support member of the MOVE organization in Philadelphia, PA.  On May 13, 1985 the Police dropped a bomb on MOVE and murdered in cold blood, 11 men, women including five children who were trying to escape a fire.  The media and police told the whole world that MOVE killed themselves!!!  August 8, 1978 the police arrested nine MOVE members and sentenced them to 30 -100 years in prison for something impossible for all of them to do.  How can nine people kill one man who was killed with one shot?  They are still in prison today!

MOVE's work is REVOLUTION! And this revolution is "to stop man from imposing on life, to stop industry from poisoning the air, water and soil and to put an end to the enslavment of all life."  I have made a conscious personal commitment to do what is right.

My work is "to show how enslaving the system is and that the system is the cause of homeless, unemployment, drug addiction, racism, AIDs, Swine Flu, crime, war and all the problems of the world."  For this I have dedicated my life.  I make no apologies for wanting to see this rotten system destroyed.  Any righteous person would want an end to evil.

To deny me freedom is to uphold the human rights violations committed by the u.s government 24 hours a day, everyday.  To deny me freedom is to deny the life of 10 year old Randy Evans who was shot and killed by a cop while the cop stood over him and said "die you little motherfucker die!" and there are tapes the cop said it, and the cop got away this murder!

To deny me freedom is to deny the thousands of freedom fighters and political prisoners locked away in u.s. prisons.  To deny me freedom is to deny the MOVE nine who have been in prison for 31 years.  To deny me freedom is to deny one of the best journalists in the u.s., Mumia Abu Jamal, freedom who has been on death row for 28 years  It is to deny over 300 years of slavery and another 100 years of lynching and oppression.

There were no boarders before Columbus and Cortes, who were mass murderers, rapists and thieves. This(MeXIco) is my land too!  I am a descendant of the XI (shi) people called Olmec in the history books.  The XI people are one of the nations of the Washitaw de Dugahmoundah!  One of the oldest nations in the world with a continous history of over 10,000 years right in the so-called USA.

I just want to be free to live a normal life.  I am tired of the persecution.  This system wants to stop me from exposing their corruption and planned destruction of the USA and the world.  The message of love and truth is threatening to those in power.

I am committed to doing what is right!

To deny me freedom is to deny the millions of people all over the world who have been victims of American imperialism, murdered in the name of freedom in places like Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can search all over the world and you will not find a place on Earth as guilty of the inhuman practices as the United States.

You would be denying the millions of indigneous people in the u.s who were uprooted from their land and the millions murdered and the thousands who now live on "reservations" in some of the most wretched condtions that exist anywhere in the world.

I am only five generations up from the worst form of slavery ever inflicted on human beings any where in the world.  Many of my people still eat hog guts today unaware of the historic significance behind it.  One hundred and 34 years is not a long time in the life of a people who came through over 300 years of the most brutal inhuman treatment the world has evern known.  They took our names, religion and language and stripped us from the knowledge of ourselves, and taught us to be obedient only to the slave masters. They rape our wives, daughters and sons and will.

One hundred and 34 years later. we, the original people of the Earth are still not free!  Percentage wise, we are the most unemployed, homeless, and  the most in prison.  We are still second class citizens even with a "Black" president!  And I don't accept second citizenship from any nation, especially since we, the aboriginal people are the first people of creation.  We are the mothers and fathers of civilization!  And we as a people no longer tolerate degradation and humiliation.

If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the thousands of innocent people in prison.  If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the millions of homeless.  If there is freedom in America, go tell it to the millions of women who are raped and sexually abused every two minutes.  If there is freedom in America go tell it to my brothers an sisters on the reservations.  If there is freedom in America tell it to the millions of victims of police brutality; tell it to the animals in the zoos.

I am committed to doing what is right.

You can deny me freedom, but you cannot deny the truth of which I speak. The truth is the light that will set us all free.  On this I stand committed to doing what is right.

Long live John Africa!

The power of truth is forever!

I remain forever On THE MOVE!

Malik Makalani Lumumba El-Bey

Editor's note:  I felt compelled to write this letter after I realized I was being sabotaged by a woman named Jasmin who was the only person that I dealt with during the three months I was awaiting a decision. When I asked to speak to people higher up, nobody seem to know who was in charge. I got the run around.  Without a lawyer I knew my chances were slim.  For one thing, after submitting 100 pages of document, they tell me that a committee sits and decides one's fate.  The individual do not come before this imaginary committee.  Further, this woman named Jasmin was more interested in the people who told me that certain officals were plotting my life than why I felt I had to leave the usa.  She wanted to know the names of the people who told me this.  She was clearly working for the Illuminati. Another thing I noticed is that 99% of the people who worked in COMAR were white people!!!White people make up MAYBE 5% of the population in Mexico! The whole process was a sham.  The Mexican government is totally controlled by the usa. Another reason I knew the u.s. government was controlling the process is when I recieved my rejection letter they used my slave name. At no time in the whole process did I ever use that name, and at no time in the process did the COMAR use that name to address me or in their correspondences to me.

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