Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dirty Tricks in the jew world order

                       "Most jews don't like to admit it, but our god is lucifer!"

        - Harold Rosenthal, assistant  to former New York Senator Jacob Javits

   (shortly after Rosenthal made that statement and other revealing statements about the jews, in a paid interview, he was found dead).

This writer is not able to store any thing on a disk for any length of time. The national socalist agency who called themselves the national "security" agency (nsa) is monitoring every computer and every thing I write.  Since they are the masters of deception and the master of propaganda, they know better than anyone else the power in words and images especially if those words and images represent the truth.

For the past two days I have been trying  to down load  pictures from the internet, but big brother zionist imposter jew through the (nsa) play their dirty tricks, and I am not able to down load.  What are these photos? pictures of high profile imposter jews with the satanic masonic hand signs. What is it that they don't want the public to see and know?

We can learn much from that man that some have called Jesus.  "You are of your father, THE DEVIL, (John 8:44)
and are the synagague of SATAN!

The power of truth is forever!


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