Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Drama of Obama continues

Newspapers here in the land of OZ (Los Angeles) are buzzing with photos of President Obama.  He is being praised as having victory for the health care bill. Are people that asleep that they cannot see those behind the scene who pull the strings?

 It is becoming more sickening everyday as I see more and more tee shirts comparing Obama to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.  Neither Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) or Martin Luther King would allow themselves to be used by the Illuminati deceptively against the unsuspecting public.  Have the leaders gone dumb as well as blind? How do you compare a Martin Luther King Jr. with a Barrack Obama?  King was against the war in vietnam.  He would be against the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan!  Obama received the Nobel Peace prize while sending 30,000 troops to war!!! What  has the President done to recieve the nobel peace prize?  Can somebody please tell me?  Where is his history in the freedom movement? Where?

People are so in need of real leadership that they will accept anybody and go along with anything without looking carefully into it.  It is indeed sad,  Malik Shabazz would never accept money from Goldman Sacs, one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, and do their bidding in the name of change! The owners of the Federal Reserve Bank are the reason for war;  they are the very reason for our oppression,  they are the ones who stole 23.5 trillion from the U.S. public and called it a bailout!!!  It is the very reason why President John F. Kennedy was murdered in public; he created an Executive Order to take the money from the hands of the Feds and put it back into the U.S. treasury governed by Congress!

The Health Care Reform bill will ultimately fail, for this, too, is a dirty trick played upon the public.  Will the people ever wake up from the matrix slave system! and think, as Malik Shabazz said, FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

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