Monday, July 4, 2011

Who is the real Public Enemy Number One?

The corporate controlled media is calling, Osama bin Laden, a man who has been dead since December 13, 2001, public enemy number one. But who is he real public enemy number one?  Was Bin Laden involved in the attack on the World Trade center in New York? In his own words: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the USA. nor did I have knowledge of the attacks.  There exists a government within a government in the USA.  The U.S. should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself, to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity.  That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.  The American system is totally in the hands of the "Jews" whose first priority is to Israel not the USA."

So are we to believe Osama bin Laden or the U.S. Government?  Was bin Laden responsible for the millions of people murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan?  What about Lybia?  Did bin Laden blow up the levees in New Orleans and waited five days to do anything about it?  Was bin Laden responsible for "crack" cocaine? Crystal Meth?  Was he responsible for the millions of unemployed?  The millions of homeless? The foreclosures of homes?  Okalahoma City bombing?  The bombing of the MOVE Organization? Waco?  What about school shootings?  The high gas prices? High food and ulitities? Was bin laden responsible for looting trillions of dollars from the U.S. public?  Did he bribe five supreme court justices who "selected" George W. Bush President?

If the answer is no.  Then how could he be public enemy number one?  Who said he was public enemy number one?  We should ask those who said bin Laden was public enemy number one?  - Anybody got the number to CNN, ABC, New York Times?

The brotherhood of darkness aka the Illuminati always do things by numbers or symbolically.  May 1, the day they told the world bin Laden was dead, is the founding of the Illuminati May 1, 1776.  From December 13, 2001 to May 1, 2011 is nine years and four months.  9 + 4 = 13!  13 is one of their favorite numbers to do their dasterly deeds.  The bobming of the MOVE organization May 13, 1985.  the murder of Meryl Africa March 13, 1998.  they killed Tupac Shakur in the hospital on September 13, 1997. The Council of 13 that the public should  know about, the 13 original colonies for the 13 bloodline families that rule the world...

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