Saturday, December 12, 2009

Occult Science (Numerology) Used Against the MOVE Organization and Others

Every action the Illuminati has used against the MOVE Organization in Philadelphia , every court date, every sentence date, every move made against MOVE has been made using  the science of numbers. The most used numbers the Illuminati uses to commit their heinous acts and murder are the numbers 4 (13,22,31) or 8 (17, 26).  They also use 7 (16, 25) and 11. They use the day, or the month and day or they use the month, day and year that adds up to a 4, 8 ,7 or 11.  Nine is also used for certain actions.  The number nine in ancient numerology was very sacre.  The evil ones uses it for evil purposes.  The number nine is also  the number six turned upside down. 666 is 18 added up.  1 and 8 is 9. They always, always, murder by numbers!!!

 Often times they even use the time down to the seconds like 3:30 or 3:33 or 6:30 or 3:36. The number 33 is a masonic/Iluminati number. Virginia Tech 33 dead including one of the shooters, a manchurian candidate no doubt!

Starting with August 8, 1978 (you can go back further, but I'll start here) The Illuminati attempted to murder the Africa family(MOVE), it did not happen but they murdered one of their own and blamed it on MOVE.  The MOVE nine was sentenced on May 4,  to 30 to 100 years. The Pennsylvania Illuminati dropped a bomb and murdered 11 people of the MOVE organization on May 13, 1985.  The sole adult survior Ramona Africa was given 7 years, and was let out of prison May 13, 1992. One of the MOVE nine members, Merle Africa, was murdered on March 13, 1998.  Mumia Abu Jamal was sentenced to die on  August 17. These are but a few examples.

The Name Vincent Leaphart is a 22.  The name John Africa is a 7.  Both numbers are considered revolutionary.  The 22 is a master number and the number of foundation.  It is a master number also considered a mystic number as the 7.  The number 7 is a number of truth and is very magical and magnetic as the 22. Some members of the MOVE organization were born on a 4(13,22,31) or 8 (17,26). This writer is a MOVE supporter born on a 22.

Let's look at others.  Martin luther King Jr was murdered April 4.  Fred Hampton and Mark Clark murdered December 4. John Lennon murdered December 8. Ted Kennedy murdered August 26. Robert Kennedy, June 5, 1968. June the 6th month plus 5 is an 11.  If you add of the whold date you get an 8.  So he had an 8 and an 11.  Likewise Malik Shabazz(Malcolm X) was murdered on a 8 and 11. Feburary 15 using the month and date is an 8 adding the whole date 1965 you get an 11, also murdered on this same date was Nat King Cole. Tupac Shakur, September 13.  They attempted to kill Tupac on the 7th but he survived, so they killed him in the hospital on the 13th.  JFK 22 November.  JFK Jr. July 16. Bob Marley, May 11. Jimi Hendricks was murdered September 18, 1970 using the whole date is an 8, 16 days later Janice Joplin was murdered on October 4th. Michael Jackson, murdered on June 25, 2009 is an 13, 7 and an 11!  using the whole date! They sentenced O.J. Simpson on December 8, 2009. This writer's sentencing was the same date, though, I escaped to Mexico. The Illuminati murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, June 12, 1993, using the whole date is 13,( the next day would have been a 13 so they had two days to do it).They gave O.J. 33 years,but said they would keep him for 9! If you drop the zeros in the 30 to 100 years sentence giving to the MOVE nine you get a 4!

Okay, lets look at other events, Pear Harbor December 7, World Trade Center in NYC September 11, Kent State murders March 4,  All of the school shootings were on a number they use except for Columbine. Columbine,Waco and the OKC bombing,all on April 19, which is a special day for the people who practice satanism. The MOVE bombing as disscused earlier, May 13. The assault on the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Parter, December 8, 1969. The murder of Huey Newton August 22. April 17, two days before the OKC bombing a plane crashed carrying about 8 U.S. military officers who were in the process of arresting then U.S. President Bill Rockafella Clinton for treason for giving away military(nuclear) secrets to the Chinese government, March 13, 2009 Congress held a special meeting where all members were present and were told that the u.s. constitution was suspended and that the u.s is now under Martial Law! On December 13, 2009 CHURCH bells are supposed to be ringing throughout the day to officially bring in the NEW World Order!..........


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