Tuesday, September 13, 2011

LA Sheriff Mace Man in the face at Point Blank Range in an Unprovoked Attack

Several months ago on my return to Los Angeles, I ran into a young man from England who I befriended a few months earlier.  He was very anxious to talk to me.  The last time we spoke he told me that he was a member of one of the Illuminati families.  He shared with me a wealth of infomation. He was anxious this time because he was being deprogramed, and he was remembering what happened to him as a child.

The young man told me he was a member of "Project Ibis" in the 1970's as a child. Project Ibis was a secret program where 42 children were taken, programed, and made into what was termed "super (killer) soldiers." Out of the "Manchurian  Candidate" or "Bourne Surpremacy" handbook, he told me he was tortured, and saw little girls raped and murdered in front of him, among other things, by his handlers. He told me his handlers were George. H.W. Bush and Dr. Joseph Mengele.

While the young man told me many things and had much more he wanted to tell me, we were interrupted by a LA Sheriff, who began to harrass the man, handcuffed him and told him he is not allow to smoke by the subway.  We were downtown Los Angeles at the 5th and Broadway subway station. Another cop came, they took the handcuffs off him but continued to harrass him telling him to stop talking.  The man was only asking why he was being singled out.

I walked about 20 feet in front of the man and behind the kops to tell him to stop talking, I told him to don't say a word. They paced the handcuffs back on him. I knew by then the kops was trying to find a way to arrest him.  When the kops heard me tell him to stop talking, the kop pulled out his mace,  put it in the young man's  face and said, " if you say one more word I will mace you. The young man said, "but officer", and the officer sprayed him point blank in the face in full view of many people standing watching. Then the kop told him to walk to the police car. The young man told the kop he couldn't see, "you don't need to see", was the kop's reply.

That was the last time I saw him.

They did not want him to share with me what he was begining to remember. I also think they were hoping I would involve myself so they could have a reason to arrest me too. More on this later.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Prison State of California

Okay family, I am out!  - of california.  I now live in Mexico! Since the time I have been in California, I have had nothing but problems. Jail, harrassments.  I won't go into all of the things except the POLICE and Sherriff Department were always around. I was even fingerprinted on the street. I did not know they had portable finger printing machines!!! The Police in California act like they are God who seek total control of the people.  In Los Angeles it is very easy to go to jail.  Any one from the Mid West or the East coast will easily see how much control they have on the people in California. I don't know what Cali used to be, but it is by far the most prisoned State in the USA!

The last incident with the kops was because a woman confided in me.  She told me how she was beat up by the kops and she lost her pregnacy.  A week later they hogged tide her and beat her some more.  She showed me the fresh scars.  The next day my guitar and other things came up missing.  A day after that, I was stopped and harrassed by the kop and fingerprinted twice on the street. The day after that the kops who beat the woman came and told me that they would take my products (incense/books) if they saw me in the street selling. I never saw the woman any more after she showed me her scars. Before that I would see her everyday!!! My guess is that they arrested her to keep her from providing me with more information.

I continue to do what I have to do as a journalist:  exposed the enemy.  My book THE GLOBAL SATANIC CONSPIRACY, will be publish in a month or so, God Willing. Stay tuned. Ona MOVE!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Who is the real Public Enemy Number One?

The corporate controlled media is calling, Osama bin Laden, a man who has been dead since December 13, 2001, public enemy number one. But who is he real public enemy number one?  Was Bin Laden involved in the attack on the World Trade center in New York? In his own words: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the USA. nor did I have knowledge of the attacks.  There exists a government within a government in the USA.  The U.S. should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself, to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity.  That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.  The American system is totally in the hands of the "Jews" whose first priority is to Israel not the USA."

So are we to believe Osama bin Laden or the U.S. Government?  Was bin Laden responsible for the millions of people murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan?  What about Lybia?  Did bin Laden blow up the levees in New Orleans and waited five days to do anything about it?  Was bin Laden responsible for "crack" cocaine? Crystal Meth?  Was he responsible for the millions of unemployed?  The millions of homeless? The foreclosures of homes?  Okalahoma City bombing?  The bombing of the MOVE Organization? Waco?  What about school shootings?  The high gas prices? High food and ulitities? Was bin laden responsible for looting trillions of dollars from the U.S. public?  Did he bribe five supreme court justices who "selected" George W. Bush President?

If the answer is no.  Then how could he be public enemy number one?  Who said he was public enemy number one?  We should ask those who said bin Laden was public enemy number one?  - Anybody got the number to CNN, ABC, New York Times?

The brotherhood of darkness aka the Illuminati always do things by numbers or symbolically.  May 1, the day they told the world bin Laden was dead, is the founding of the Illuminati May 1, 1776.  From December 13, 2001 to May 1, 2011 is nine years and four months.  9 + 4 = 13!  13 is one of their favorite numbers to do their dasterly deeds.  The bobming of the MOVE organization May 13, 1985.  the murder of Meryl Africa March 13, 1998.  they killed Tupac Shakur in the hospital on September 13, 1997. The Council of 13 that the public should  know about, the 13 original colonies for the 13 bloodline families that rule the world...

Monday, June 6, 2011

They Thought it would be Easy - Hands off Lybia!!!!

They thought it would be easy - a NATO/one world government/New World Order army in Lybia to oust Col Khadafi and take over Lybia.  They now know its not as easy as they may have calculated.  Khadafi and the people were prepared!

After bombing schools, hospitals and churches, killing thousands of innocent people didn't work, they created an earthquake!  They even infected over 400 people with the AIDS virus and blamed Khadafi!!!  However, the whole world knows the truth, every one that is except Americans!

Lybia is standing strong.  The people of the world should stand with Lybia united against our common wicked enemy - the Illuminati!

Let Lybia handle its own affairs.  How would Americans like it if China came to America and said they don't like the fact that there are too many innocent people in jail, and started bombing Americans! Which by the way could possibly happen. 

It's time to get prepared.  What we see in North Africa (mid east) is coming soon to the USA.  Get organized against this global SATANIC conspiracy, against the New World Order, already in progress.  HANDS OFF LYBIA, NOW!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Now that I am in Mexico, I am not able to open my e-mail. There are certain web sites I am not able to get into. The gestapo is trying to block every effort I make toward exposing the real public enemy number one.  I am undaunted!  I can, however, get into my e-mail when I come accross the boarder.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Boogeyman is Dead: The Importance of Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset turned revolutionary against the U.S. rulers.  Like John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray and others, Bin Laden became the boogeyman, the pasty, the U.S. rulers needed to impliment their plans against the American people and the world.

Without Osama bin Laden there would be no Iraq, Afghanistan, a Patriot Act or Homeland (gestapo) Security.  However, bin Laden died on them.  To announce that bin Laden died in December 2001 or 2002 of kidney failure would have ruined their plans for dismantling the U.S. Constitution and destroying what freedoms Americans are supposed to have.

Now, it is time to announce his death because they had nine years to put into place their martial law system.  I believe they are ready!  And, now, they, the U.S. rulers,  have their ACE in the hole, Barrack Hussein Obama, to lead the sheeple into the slaughter house.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Goldman Sacs Plays Key Role in America's Demise

Richard Teitelbaum of Bloomberg.com (23 Feb. 2010) reported that disclosed secret documents in possession of a House Committee proved that the world's financial crash is a result of worthless derivatives minted by Goldman Sacs.

Goldman Sacs is one of the parasititic private banks that control the Federal Reserve Bank.  The political establishment and the USA and all its money is bascially controlled by Goldman Sacs, and Goldman Sacs is controlled by the Rothschilds.

Lets look at some other situations manipulated by Goldman Sacs.  The California bond collaspse and near bankruptcy is because Goldman Sacs sold the bonds short.  Goldman Sacs along with partner firm, MORGAN STANLEY, manipulated the price of oil, skyrocketing it.  They also stole, via Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson, $200 Billion taxpayers dollars! in insurance as a result of AIG insurance falure.  The mortgage and real estate problems came after Goldman Sacs marketed trillions of worthless ponzi-scheme investments around the world and turned around and sold them short.  This could be what Bernard Madoff was refering to when he said there were others involved in ponzi-schemes.

America is on its death bed, and Goldman Sacs is the doctor of death.

One more thing, who is President Obama's major benefactor - GOLDMAN SACS!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

David Icke - Fork in The Road (They Want To Trigger World War III)

Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?

What former U.S. President is accused of raping a 3 year old girl?

What former U.S President is a registered sex offender and a major "Crack" cocaine distruibutor?

What former U.S. President was called the "ice pick assassin" as a member of the CIA(it was his choice of murder weapon!)

Who are the five supreme court justices who took a bribe from George h.w. Bush and "selected" George Jr. as President?

What member of the Obama Administration has herpes and laundered million of dollars from "Crack" cocaine?

Well, you might not win a million dollars here, but these are better questions than the questions on the game show.  Check out The Global Satanic Conspiracy for the answers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"It is better to die fighting for freedom than to be a slave all the days of your life"   - Bob Marly

Behind the President's Speech on Libya

The Action against Libya by the United Nations coalition of forces is the beginning of the UN taking over as the NEW WORLD ORDER ARMY for the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!  The President's speech was to let the United States and the world know that the UN is taking over as the head of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT which is now in progress!!!

The Illuminati is using Obama to bring about the final destruction of the USA.  However, the people will blame President Obama for America's demise...

...The ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT IS HERE  and this means slavery for the world's people unless we come together and FIGHT BACK!...

...they want President Robert Mugabe next.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Planned Parenthood GENOCIDE by Any Other Name

History proves that Planned Parenthood has been committing GENOCIDE against the African American community.  The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an admirer of Adlph Hitler and implimented his Ëugenics Plan.¨¨Planned Parenthood was first called the ¨Negro¨Demostration Project.¨ It was a plan to get ¨Negro ministers and doctors¨to support her Eugenics policies.  ¨We do not want the word to go out that we want to EXTERMINATE¨ the Negro population, writes Sanger.  ¨The minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of the more rebellious members.¨

According to a Health and Human Services report, 700.000 babies are aborted each year in the USA.  43% of all abortions are performed on Black women.  According to othe reports, abortion is the number one killer of U.S. Blacks.  Some 450,00 African American babies are aborted each year!

¨¨Öur future is in jeopardy and a genocidal plot is being carried out through abortion, said Stephen Border of Life Always, an organization that placed a billboard in the SoHo neighborhood in New York City that depicted a young African American girl with the caption, ¨The most dangerous place for an African American is in the wound.¨

Planned Parentedhood and other pro choice advocates have lashed out against the billboard including Rev. Al Sharpton and a New York City Council woman.  Sharpton called it ¨racial ¨profilling!  While Planned Parenthood called it an attempt to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood.

Life Always took the billboard down, but said, ¨we have seen the heartbreaking effects of opportunists who happen to be Black abortionists perpetrating this atrocity, Border writes.  ¨It´s not just babies who are in danger, it´s also their mothers and our society at large.¨

Editor´s note    This writer understand Planned Parenthood´s opposition to the billboard because it exposes their GENOCIDAL plot against Black People. But does Al Sharpton support the GENOCIDE of African Americans?...¨the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Hidden Hand in the So-called Middle East

Make no mistake about it, the situation in North East Africa (Mid East) is being orchestrated by the "hidden hand" of evil - the Illuminati.  Using the Muslim Brotherhood to create war, the Illuminati is planning to destroy the U.S. dollar in order to bring about the ONE WORLD CURRENCY. This,for the Illuminati, will be total control.  Gas prices will soar.  This will affect the food.  BEWARE!!!!What we are witnessing is a world financial melt down before our very eyes, setting the stage for the NEW WORLD ORDER OF SLAVERY!

I believe, however, that the people can avoid this if we continue to resist the system! We must first get rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK!  This, President JFK attempted to do.  This is one of the reason he was assassinated!!!!We must not sit back and wait on a Jesus or a Muhammad or a Obama to do what we can do for ourselves.  The time is at hand.  If you put your hope in President Obama, you will be hoping until the cow jumps over the moon. Only the People will make revolution!