Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Who Discovered America? - the Real Truth!

Most people grow up with the lie about Christopher Columbus "discovering" America in 1492. the real truth is the Mandika-XI , a nation from West Africa, a people of African Cushites (ancient Ethiopian) orgin, are the first to bring civilization to America.

The Americas was founded in Monte Alban, Oaxaca in Southern Mexico in 3113 BCE (before the current or christian era).  This coincided with the founding of the first calendar in the westren hemisphere. The ancient ones knew of the world ages.  They founded civilization here August 13, 3113 BCE. A world age is 5,125 years. The fifth world age or as some say, the fifth sun , is to end December 21, 2012. the Mayan's were the keepers of the traditions of the ancient African.  The Mayan calendar is actually the African calendar! We know this to be a fact thanks to Dr. Clyde Winter of University of Chicago, who deciphered the language from the walls at Monte Alban.  The language is Mande.  One of the oldest languages in the world!  It is still spoken in Mali and other parts of West Africa.- The language of the Mandinka!  The big heads all over MeXIco are the Mandinka-XI(she) people otherwise known as "Olmecs."

This is what the people of the world should know.  That African people came first to this land as slaves is one of the biggest lies in history!     They Came Before Columbus - Dr Ivan Van Sertima

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