Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Public Lynching of O.J. Simpson

They would not, could not, rest, until O.J. Simpson went to jail.  The White American psyche just could not allow a Blackman to go free for the murder of two White people.  Whether he did it or not does matter to them.  Two White people were dead and a Blackman was accused.  All that is needed to convict a Blackman is that he is accused.

Despite all the evidence that one man could not have committed that crime, despite the fact that the glove the police found didn´t fit, despite the fact that O.J.`s housekeeper saw several Asian men leaving the scene, none of it mattered.  Someone-a blackman had to go to jail - because a Blackman was accused!

If O.J.`s wife had been Black, those folks who were outraged at a not guilty verdict could have cared less if O.J. was convicted.  Robert Blake and Phil Specter were acquitted of murdering White women when it was very obvious in both cases that they committed the crime - no outrage by the White masses!

What happened to O.J. was nothing but a modern public high tech lynching by any other name.  This only proves that the majority of White America is still stuck in the world matrix slave system.  The illuminati continues to pull the wool over their eyes.  This is what blinds them to the truth of their reality.  Will White America ever unplug themselves from the matrix and stop living in the Twilight Zone?

Fred Goldman, if you really want justice in the death of your son, you should search for the truth instead of making a fool of yourself.  Hint, check out the people who control the cocaine in California - the Japanese mafia! (See -yakuza)

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